Parent's Portal
Capital City Early Learning Center

For Parents
Family Orientation
We require a family orientation for all new families. This visit gives families a chance to tour the classrooms and meet teachers. During the orientation each family has a chance to go over the family handbook, turn in completed enrollment forms, and pay the first week’s payment. Feel free to ask any questions or discuss any concerns you may have with the Director at this time. We welcome your questions and input.

CCELC Parent
CCELC Tuition
CCELC Family
Handbook Agreement
Parent's Responsibilities
As an equal opportunity child care center, Capital City Early Learning Center enrolls children regardless of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, disability or 6 any other basis prohibited by law. Enrollment folders are provided to families upon completion of the enrollment tour and payment of the non-refundable registration fee. All enrollment requirements and the family orientation must be completed the Friday prior to the child’s first day of attendance.
● State of Michigan Child Information Record. (one per child)
● A Health Appraisal
● Current Immunization Record
● Child and Adult Food Program Income form
o Household Income eligibility Statement
o Participant Enrollment Form
o Formula/Food sign off statement (For infants only)
● Family Questionnaire
● Child Schedule
● CDC Authorization to release information
● A signed copy of the Parent Handbook Agreement
● Custody order (if applicable)
● Non- refundable registration fee
● First week’s tuition fee or copay
The center reserves the right to terminate a child’s enrollment with a written notice for the following reasons.
● Non-cooperation of Capital City Early Learning Center’s policies.
● A child or parent by being rude or abusive to another child or employee.
● Delinquency in payment of tuition or other fees.
● Recurring tardiness in picking up children at the center’s closing time.
● Frequent absences for unknown reasons.
● Inability of child or parent to adjust to Capital City Early Learning Center’s environment
● A child displaying a potential health or safety risk to the child, the other children, or employees.
Typically, the center will provide a one-week written notice of enrollment termination; however, the Center reserves the right to immediately terminate enrollment if circumstances warrant such.
A two-week written notice is requested from families wishing to withdraw from the center, to allow adequate time to fill the vacancy. The last two weeks are required to be paid in full, whether your child is in attendance or absent.
In order for Capital City Early Learning Center to maintain our operating budget, our child care payment policy is as follows. Child care fees are due WEEKLY, every Friday by 6:00pm,for the following week, even if the child is absent that day, Child care fees are also due during weeks containing holidays for which the center is closed. We do not provide prorated fees. A $25 late payment fee will be charged for all families who have not made a payment by 6:00pm on Friday. On days that we are closed, payments must be made on the following business day at drop off. For families whose accounts are still late the following Friday, childcare services will no longer be provided.
Capital City Early Learning Center accepts payment for tuition and fees online only through at my Capital City Early Learning Center also accepts payments from Lansing Community College.
All children must arrive by 9:30am every day. Parents must call the center by 8:00 am to let us know if your child will not be attending daycare that day. This ensures that we are properly staffed and are prepared for the day’s meals and activities. No child will be allowed to attend after 9:30am unless prior arrangements have been made and approved by the director. If a parent or guardian has not made contact with the center regarding a child’s absence one hour after their scheduled time, the Director or Assistant Director will contact them to inquire about the absence for that day.
Parent's Responsibilities

Every parent will be assigned a pin to clock their children in and out in their Procare App.